

讲座. Studies architecture, 绘画, 和雕塑 with emphasis on social and aesthetic considerations. 秋天,春天.
艺术 -200工作室艺术入门(3学分)
An introduction to the studio disciplines for non-art majors. Instruction of the art elements as used in such areas as drawing, 绘画, 版画, 和雕塑. 实验室的费用. 秋天,春天.


Introductory studio course emphasizes basic principles of design, composition, and color theory. 六小时工作室. 秋天.
从观察出发,探索多种艺术媒介. Emphasis is placed on mastery of basic drawing principles and techniques, and the development of a personal drawing style through exposure to a variety of structured drawing 经验s. Basic concepts of design and composition are reinforced throughout the drawing process. 工作室的费用. 秋天和春天.
Building on the skills and concepts begun in Beginning Drawing, further exploration of drawing media and process will continue the development of a personal sense of imagery and style. The introduction of symbolic or emblematic meaning in subjects should deepen each student's personal involvement with their artwork. This continued study of advanced technical and conceptual approaches to drawing with an expanded variety of media emphasizes the development of a regular and authentic practice of drawing, 以及创造性的表达和艺术的成长. 工作室费用,先决条件:ART 220. 秋天和春天


艺术 -102小学艺术(3学分)
感性的检验, 有创意的, and aesthetic growth and development of children through art 经验s. Some basic studio instruction with art appreciation and historical overview. 实验室的费用. 春天.
ART-497 Methods of Teaching 艺术 in Senior High/ Junior High/Middle School and in Elementary Schools (3 credits)
This course explores the 有创意的 and mental growth of elementary, 中学, and secondary school students participating in classes for the visual arts. In addition, development of an area-specific portfolio is required. 本课程仅面向艺术教育专业的学生.


艺术 -201艺术治疗导论(3学分)
Introduces students to the fundamentals of art therapy including theory, 练习方法, 通过讲座学习技巧, 经验, 以及案例研究报告. 不需要现有技术经验. Prerequisites: Sophomore status; recommended courses Psychology 121, 226. 秋天.
艺术 -301创意发展与艺术治疗(3学分)
Introduces the fundamentals of 有创意的 development and art therapy including theory, 练习方法,通过讲座学习技巧, 经验, 案例研究. 不需要现有技术经验. Prerequisites: Sophomore status; recommended courses Psychology 121, 226. 春天
艺术 -405艺术治疗研讨会(2学分)
In-depth investigation of the fundamentals of 有创意的 development and art therapy, 注重评估, 研究, 应用程序, 以及对群体过程动态的探索. 讲座, experiential learning, 以及案例研究报告 included. 不需要现有技术经验. Prerequisites: 艺术 201, 301; Psychology 121, 226.


ART 325 Life Drawing (3) Drawing from the model as a means of understanding form, shape, and line. 六小时工作室. 可重复的. 实验室的费用. 春天
Emphasizes basic 版画 methods to the development of ideas and aesthetic considerations of materials and techniques employed in 版画. 六小时工作室. 可重复的. 实验室的费用. 春天.
Emphasizes basic 绘画 techniques with investigation of different advanced media. 六小时工作室. 可重复的. 秋天,春天.
Covers basic, 有创意的, and technical problems in watercolor 绘画. May be applied toward the 绘画 major in the studio BFA and BS degrees. 六小时工作室. 可重复的.
研究基本成形方法:加工, 铸造, 锻造, and raising with investigation of different materials and techniques employed in metalwork and jewelry. 六小时工作室. 可重复的. 实验室的费用.
Offers basic methods of hand building and wheel throwing and the use of glazes and kiln firing procedures with investigation of materials and techniques employed in ceramics. 六小时工作室. 可重复的. 实验室的费用. 秋天,春天.
Offers basic methods of ceramic hand building, wheel throwing, glazing, and kiln firing techniques. These methods will contribute to the development of ideas and aesthetic considerations of materials and techniques employed in ceramics. 六小时工作室. 实验室的费用. 秋天和春天
介绍雕塑的概念、材料和工具. 创造性的表达和对想法的探索, form, 物质关系也会被介绍. 工作室的费用. 秋天和春天


艺术 -401艺术与文化(3学分)
Senior seminar devoted to special topics concerning historical traditions in the visual arts, 当前艺术问题, 专业发展. 前提条件:高级.


艺术 -490艺术实习(1-3学分)
A practical 经验 in a supervised university setting that specializes in the field of art or design. Precedes internship and prepares students to perform for employers outside the university community. Prerequisite: sophomore standing; permission of sponsoring faculty member. 可重复达12小时.
艺术 -495艺术实习(3-12学分)
An apprenticeship or internship program designed to meet the educational needs of students' professional goals. Visual communication design majors may qualify for internships with professional agencies, BFA studio majors with professionally qualified artists or institutions, and BS in art and associated studies majors with institutions related to their career interests. A maximum of 12 credit hours may be earned in 艺术 495 toward the degree. Prerequisites: Junior standing; permission of sponsoring faculty member.


艺术 -493艺术独立研究(1-3学分)
Research in an area of visual arts that pertains to individual interests. 是否可以代替常规课程. 科目和学分必须由导师批准. 可以重复学习最多六个小时的学分吗. Prerequisites: Sophomore level; permission of instructor; approval of department chair.