

We encourage every student to spend a semester or summer abroad in order to experience the world.


A majority of our students take advantage of the university's international campus, Harlaxton大学, 在格兰瑟姆, England where a wide range of humanities and social science courses are offered each semester and in the summer. Located in a 100-room Victorian manor house in the rolling English countryside one hour north of London, Harlaxton是一个由忠诚的教师组成的社区, 支持人员, 以及来自剑桥大学和合作院校的同学们. 学生们可以利用周末在英国和欧洲各地旅行, 让人们参与进来, 文化, 和历史.

此外,我们的教师与 留学办公室 have helped students find and get accepted into other international programs. 以下是我们学生学习过的地方列表. This is just a sample – we can find you a program anywhere you want to go!

  • 雅典大学

    他们提供学术优秀的学期, 学年, summer and winter study abroad programs that embrace the vibrant experience of day-to-day contact with the people, 机构, 纪念碑, 以及希腊和地中海的风景. All of their programs are delivered in English at the Athens-based 国际 Center for Hellenic and Mediterranean Studies (DIKEMES), 位于雅典市中心. Spanning a wide range of disciplines from ancient to contemporary studies, the curriculum is enriched by hands-on learning opportunities and on-site classes, and a significant portion of the semester is also devoted to field trips.

  • AIFS在罗马留学

    学习艺术史, 通信, 历史, 意大利语,甚至更多, 在罗马的AIFS学习一学期或一年, 意大利. 包括你的学费, 住房, 餐, 机票与文化活动合一保证价格, AIFS makes it simple for you to live and study in Rome and experience all that the Eternal City has to offer. 成为社区的一部分, 不仅仅是游客, living in your own Roman apartment and enjoying restaurants and cafes throughout the city with your AIFS meal vouchers. AIFS提供游览迷人的威尼斯, 充满活力的那不勒斯和令人难以忘怀的庞贝, plus semester students will spend 2 weeks in Florence for orientation. 多亏了罗马的交通, 你可以轻松地在意大利和其他地方旅行.

  • 开罗的美国大学

    AUC provides a unique opportunity of study abroad for students who are seeking unique experiences, 新鲜的观点, 以及沉浸在令人兴奋的埃及文化体验中. The University offers a variety of programs at the graduate and undergraduate levels that will enhance their regional knowledge, promote multiculturalism and motivates them to be active in local and global discussions. AUC is a leading English-language, American-accredited institution of higher education. 它的学生社区, 父母, 教职员工, 受托人, alumni and other generous sponsors represent more than 60 countries. The University offers 36 undergraduate programs rooted in a liberal arts education. The University’s educational assets include the largest English-language academic library collection in Egypt, 三个现代化剧院和15个跨学科研究中心. 大学的现代化, 260-acre New Cairo campus constitutes a visionary investment in the future of Cairo, 埃及和该地区.

  • 以色列海法大学国际学校

    Situated on the crest of the Carmel Mountains with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea, 坐落在卡梅尔国家森林旁边, the University of Haifa provides an ideal setting for your 国际 出国留学 experience. The University of Haifa is one of Israel’s leading research universities, and it is dedicated not only to academic excellence but to social responsibility as well. 18岁的多元化学生群体,该校有1000名学生,其中有犹太人和穆斯林, 基督教徒和巴哈伊教徒, 德鲁兹人和贝都因人, 新移民和以色列本地人都一样. There is also a growing number of international students from around the world. Students who come to the University of Haifa 国际 School for a semester or year will have an experience they will never forget! Their wide range of special track programs and courses fulfills any student's academic interest. Courses in the 国际 School are taught in English by faculty from a variety of departments within the University of Haifa.

  • 戈尔韦的爱尔兰国立大学

    Galway has been voted the 'friendliest' and 'most charming' city by a number of global publications. 以大西洋之路为背景, 在广阔的戈尔韦湾, 戈尔韦既美丽又与众不同. Galway casually combines the energy of a young and diverse population, 这里充满了历史和传统的气息. Their popular 出国留学 Semester Program offers students the opportunity to study at NUI Galway and earn credits towards their degree at their home institution. 访问ing and exchange students alike choose from the wide selection of classes to meet their own major or minor requirements.

  • 赴丹麦奥尔堡大学交换学习

    The city of Aalborg is home to Denmark’s most innovative and internationalized university. Programs taught in English include international cultural studies and communication, 媒体研究, 心理学, 丹麦的研究, 国际管理, 建筑与设计, 艺术,技术和媒介. Students typically enroll in 6-7 classes per term which averages to 12-14 hours in class per week. A term runs for 8-10 weeks followed by supervised project work and exams.

  • 亚利桑那大学在危地马拉留学

    The UA study abroad program in Guatemala is a unique experience that combines rigorous academics with for-credit internships around themes such as development and public health, 民族关系与人权, 以及土著和环境政治. 它还包括对时事的反映, 一流的语言培训,获得UA学分, 以及与危地马拉活动人士的会面, 艺术家, 学生和学者.