

With a degree in 考古 our alumni have successfully gotten jobs in the following areas:

  • 档案
  • 艺术画廊
  • 艺术管理
  • 大学 & 大学学者
  • 大学招生
  • 大学生生活
  • 保护
  • 文化资源管理
  • 自然资源部
  • 运输部
  • 教育媒体
  • 电子资源
  • 外国服务
  • GIS数据分析
  • 保护历史古迹
  • 法律
  • 博物馆的收藏
  • 博物馆外展计划
  • 国民警卫队藏品管理
  • 国家公园管理局
  • 非营利组织
  • 和平队
  • 公共教育
  • 出版
  • 州立历史遗迹
  • 美国情报部门


Anna Ahrens (’18): Cultural Research Management Field Technician

  • 2018年毕业,获考古学学士学位
  • Moved to New Orleans right after graduation to work part-time with the New Orleans Museum of Art’s Education Department
  • After a few months found a full-time job with a 文化资源管理 firm (R.C. 古德温)
  • Currently she is working on a large-scale survey in a Northern Louisiana forest

卡曼(法律)海伦伯格(' 12):催收经理

  • While at UE interned at the Children’s Museum of Evansville, Cultural Resource Analysts, 公司.以及埃文斯维尔艺术历史博物馆 & 科学
  • While at UE held several part-time paid positions at the Evansville Museum
  • Graduated from UE with a BA in 考古 and Art History and a Business Certificate in 2012
  • Hired full-time at the Evansville Museum working closely with the curatorial department assisting with care of the collections along with exhibit preparation and installation
  • Founded a regional professional development organization called Southwestern Indiana Collections Connection Association (SICCA) in 2013
  • For two years also worked as a contract Curator and 注册商 for the Freedom Heritage Museum (currently known as Evansville Wartime Museum)
  • Named the Evansville Museum’s first Collections Manager in 2016
  • Currently is leading an IMLS grant-funded inventory project of over 20,000 of the museum’s historical collection and serves on the board of the Society of Indiana Archivists


  • 2008年毕业于剑桥大学,获考古学学士学位
  • Earned a Master of Arts in Historical 考古 from Illinois State University in 2013.
  • Held assistantship positions in the archaeology lab for 2 years
  • Worked on archaeological excavations during the summers - Cahokia Mounds, 田纳西州的一个站点, 在阿拉斯加找份工作
  • 申请了许多考古和博物馆的工作,但运气不好
  • 继续d to work retail at The North Face in Chicago and Milwaukee
  • Offered a post-grad unpaid internship at The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago
  • After 6 months was offered her first museum position at Betty Brinn Children's Museum in Milwaukee as Assistant Manager of 访问or Services (part-time)
  • Then offered a consultant position at the Kenosha Public Museum as their Planned Giving Coordinator and the Weekend Manager position at the Pabst Mansion in Milwaukee (part-time)
  • 不久之后, quit Betty Brinn since it was not in line with her future goals and continued part-time at The North Face
  • Started volunteering at the Milwaukee County Historical Society on a big photography cataloging project
  • 这让我得到了一个兼职博物馆助理的职位
  • Worked 4 part-time jobs, 3 in different museums for over a year
  • Finally offered a full-time position as the Executive Director at the Kemper Center, 公司.这是威斯康星州基诺沙的一个文化中心
  • 继续d to take college certification courses in Fund Development and Non-profit Management
  • After a year she was offered the position as Development Manager and on-staff archaeologist at the Kenosha Public Museums

Christopher Parr (’05): National Guard Archaeologist and Collections Manager

  • While at UE participated in Washington University archaeological field school at Cahokia Mounds
  • 这使他得到了一份工作,成为他的研究助理. John Kelly and the Central Mississippi Valley Archaeological Research Institute
  • 2005年毕业于剑桥大学,获考古学及历史学学士学位
  • 与他的妻子Micki Blue Parr (UE 2006届历史系)结婚
  • Earned a Master of Arts in Classics (考古) from the University of Arizona in 2008
  • 搬到哥伦布, 乔治亚州, and worked as a Cultural Resources Site Monitor at Fort Benning, 乔治亚州, 通过与泛美咨询公司的合同, 公司. 三年了
  • Designed and managed an inspection program for the Installation’s archaeological sites to ensure the military did not impact them during construction or training activities
  • Participated in government-to-government consultations with federally-recognized tribes with a traditional claim to the Fort Benning area
  • Along the way, was assigned responsibility for the Fort Benning 考古 Collection.
  • 搬到里士满, 维吉尼亚州, in 2011 to assume his current position: the Archaeologist and Collections Manager for the 维吉尼亚州 Army National Guard
  • Currently administers the 维吉尼亚州 National Guard Curation Facility at Fort Pickett, 哪个有两个独立的系列, and coordinates government-to-government consultation efforts with state- and federally-recognized tribes
  • Recently his program was recognized by National Guard Bureau and the US Department of the Army as the Top Cultural Resources Program in the “Small Installations” category