Natalie Schisler's Story Abroad

当前级别: 二年级学生
主要: Interdisciplinary Studies (Exercise Science, Spanish, Pre-PT)
留学国家: 哥斯达黎加
国外术语: 2017年夏天

What has been your most rewarding experience abroad so far?
My most rewarding experiences were the times I was able to volunteer at a local grade school. The study abroad program I was with (SOL) set up some times when we were able to go to the school and help with an English lesson for first and second graders. Those sweet kids were so excited to learn, and it was fun to put my Spanish skills to good use.
What has been your favorite part about your host culture?
I love that the people are generally really chill and easy-going. I also loved how much fresh fruit was available all the time. I’m already missing having a fresco (a fresh fruit drink usually made with milk or water) every day with breakfast.
What has been your favorite trip you’ve taken?
My favorite trip was the weekend that we went to La Fortuna waterfall. We walked down 500 steps to the bottom of the falls and swam at the bottom. It was breathtakingly beautiful. After that we went to a hotel with hot springs at the base of 阿雷纳火山. When we got there it was cloudy, but the next morning I got up at 6 and the clouds were lighter, 鸟儿在歌唱, and I could see all the way up the volcano and down into the valley as well. I will never forget that morning as long as I live.
What will you miss the most when you leave?
I think I will miss the constant adventures. It was amazing to be in a place where I could try new things every day and never run out of places to explore. Every weekend was a new experience with lots of interesting things to discover.
What has been most challenging living in your host country/culture?
I think figuring out transportation has been the most challenging thing. There is no unified bus system in 哥斯达黎加 (or even in the San Jose area). The so-called “public” buses are all run by different private companies, so it’s impossible to see on a map all the different routes, 票价, 和你可能需要的停止. That being said, I think I did start to get the hang of it eventually. 我在那里的最后一天, some friends and I took two different buses to and from an amusement park in a suburb of San Jose, 我们没有迷路. 我认为那是一种胜利.
What is your best advice for a future study abroad student?
Swallow your pride as fast as you can and just accept the fact that you’re going to make mistakes and embarrass yourself sometimes. This is especially true if you’re working on a foreign language. 你会犯有趣的错误. 它很好. If you get laughed at, then at least you put a smile on somebody’s face. 嘲笑自己,继续前进.
Anything else you would like to tell us?
If you have the chance to study abroad, do it. 这样做 because it will help you grow. 这样做 because even if you never become fluent, it’s great to know a bit of another language. 这样做 because college is one of the easiest times in life to just go. 这样做 because it will force you out of your comfort zone. 这样做 because it’s hard to spend time learning in another culture and not leave the experience a little kinder, 勇敢一点, 更开明一点. 因为好玩才去做. 这样做 because your new adventures may be some of the best experiences of your entire life. 这样做.